750 ml


Blessed with a panoply of praiseworthy recent vintages, 2016 straddles the line between succulent ripeness and understated elegance. We are blessed with the repeated pattern of sun and fog in Napa Valley. This is our rendition of Cabernet Sauvignon from Oakville Ranch Vineyard-not heavy handed - our intension is to properly match each vintage to the uniqueness of the site. A bottling composed of Cabernet Sauvignon with a touch of Cabernet Franc, we harvested picturesque clusters within a narrow window starting September 20th through the 27th . Oakville at its most compelling, the tannins are softly round and ethereal with persistent flavor. Dried blueberry, graphite, white chocolate, with a hint of the softest rose petals- telling the story of superb ripening in late summer. Drinking impressively in its youth, we look forward to what this vintage will reveal with time. Bottled without fining or filtration in June 2018. California Certified Organic Farming.