750 ml


Gallica’s only white wine emphasizes the sublime limestone signature found on this high elevation site. Tropical fruit and white flowers emerge from the mineral backbone. Summer is a time of relaxed days and spontaneous occasions- the ease of creating a meal right off the boat or just picked from the garden. We love Albariño for its purity, complementing a vast array of summer foods. A faithful companion to shellfish, curries, sushi, and anything saffron. Fermented in a combination of stainless and neutral oak barrels, we practice low intervention winemaking with the goal of accurately representing the beauty of this white grape in California. Almost weightless, we find lime peel, white rose, even a hint of savory in the glass. Partial malo-lactic fermentation polish the crisp acidity so noted in Albariño. 13.2% alcohol. Bottled March 2019. Vineyard Elevation: 2142 feet | 652 meters. California Certified Organic Vineyard.